El Gouna International School

El Gouna International School

El Gouna International School

El Gouna International School

El Gouna International School oozes talent and community spirit, what more could we ask for from our new contributors?

By Lina Sherif

One of the wonderful things about El Gouna is the intense feeling of community you get when you come here. Holidaymakers who visit for the first time are often astonished that it’s a fully functioning community and this is often the reason why people continue to return time after time. For the people living here its comforting to know that around every corner there is a friendly face and willing hand. El Gouna really does understand the importance of community spirit.

El Gouna Homes recognises that El Gouna International School is one of the big reasons for this genuine feeling of community and we have invited them to be part of the magazine by sharing some of the pupils work on a regular basis. The teachers have been offered the opportunity to put forward any work that they feel deserves recognition and the pupils can submit their own work that they are particularly proud of for our consideration. This is a great opportunity for pupils to have their work published and have a real sense of achievement while allowing the community to enjoy their work.

This edition we selected a poem that year 4 wrote about superheroes. In this particular class, they are superheroes in training where each child is discovering their own superpowers and strengths this year ready to help them soar through their education and reach their full potential. They are focusing on being the BEST THEY CAN BE! They were studying different styles of poetry in particular poems with the ABCB rhyming scheme. They modelled their poem on Sally Grey’s poem ‘If I Were a Superhero’. They used their new-found knowledge to write their own version of this wonderful poem. We selected this poem as we love year 4’s spirit and want to help motivate them in their quest to be Superheroes.

El Gouna International School


If I Was a Superhero

By Year 4 EGIS


If I was a superhero,

And found the fire,

The people would run,

While the flames got higher.


If I was a superhero,

I’d need to be strong,

To fly up to the sky,

And never be wrong.


If I was a superhero,

And I will fly,

But I actually can’t do it,

So, I am very shy.


If I was a superhero,

And I am new and everything is wrong,

I am going to practice,

And I will become strong.


If I was a superhero,

I would go fly,

And those very ugly,

Bad monsters will cry.


If I was a superhero,

I would turn the bad to ice,

And I would help,

The very good be nice.


If I was a superhero,

And I couldn’t fly,

I would try my best,

Not to cry.


If I was a superhero,

I would fly every night,

So, I can watch the stars and moon shine,

Before the sun goes bright.


If I was a superhero,

I would fly past the oceans,

And glide through the waves,

And make some new potions.


If I was a superhero,

I would always be practising,

To be very strong,

With very hard focusing.


If I was a superhero,

With all the ice,

I will try,

And freeze all the mice.


If I was a superhero,

I’d see the sun so sunny,

It will be sunny in the morning,

And we are always so funny.


If I was a superhero,

Id raise lightning,

Destroy the bad,

Ah soooo frightening.


If I was a superhero,

I would be strong by practising,

I would fly in the air,

I would help people from dying.


If I was a superhero,

I would help people’s emotions,

If they cry and sigh,

Id help them with new lotions.


We were truly astonished at the phenomenal art work, from all the classes, that was submitted for this edition that there just weren’t enough pages to print all the well-deserving work so we have selected a few and look forward to printing more next time.

The school management and teachers are obviously very proud of their amazing pupils and we thank them and the pupils for sharing their work with us. We are already enjoying reading the new submissions and look forward to bringing you even more work from the talented students at EGIS.

El Gouna International School


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