Access Bars Therapy in El Gouna

Access bars theapy Beatrice El gouna

Access Bars Therapy

What could possibly be meant by Access Bars Therapy? The term access bars sounds like at I.T. term – something you would find in an excel spreadsheet or accounting software. To me at least. But put the word therapy behind it and suddenly we’re in a different space completely.

I had never heard of Access Bars, more commonly known as Bars, until I met Beatrice Koecke. Austrian born Beatrice is the new Psychologist at El Gouna International School and also offers private therapy sessions in numerous fields. But it was the Access Bars sessions that grabbed my interest.

Personally, I have never held much interest in alternative medicines and therapies. I’m not against them in any way, they just don’t fit the scientific and logical approach that I most men have to life.

But there is one overarching emotion I have to life: curiosity. And when an excited Beatrice said these words to me, “It changed my life,” the curiosity trigger was pulled and I found myself thinking about it over and over again. Eventually, the solution was obvious: Have a session and see for yourself.

I discussed it with a few friends huddled down one evening to decide whether we / I should try it. Some were sceptical, some were all for it and it came about that I should be the guinea pig and report back on my findings on whether there is bias, placebo or indeed substance at the heart of Bars. And with that, I booked my session with Beatrice.

Before the session

I went to Beatrice’s room at G-Space where I was greeted warmly with a big smile. We sat down and had a short talk about what to expect from the session, things to look out for after the session, and my expectations (of which I was trying to have none).

The only comment that really stood out was that your mind will want to release any negativity and that can come in the form of tears, extra sleep – things like that.

I went to the massage table, lay down on my back and interlaced my fingers comfortably over my chest. I was told I can do anything; talk, sleep, sing…but there’s one thing I can’t do: interlace my fingers comfortably over my chest. Apparently that affects energy flow. Also, watches and electronic devices had to come off and be turned off.


The session itself

The whole session involved light touches at points on the particular points on the head only, apart from about a minute on the hands.

First, a hand behind my head and on my forehead got me to the point where I realized I was now finally in it. Interestingly enough, I had to tell myself to relax as I could feel my arms were tense. So I decided to just be.

Eventually, there was a sense of movement inside my head but when I analyzed, there was no movement – and of course, nothing was inside my head. That was the first moment where I thought, “Ok, something’s happening here.”

Then as time went by, and this is where it gets hard to explain, all I can say is that ‘I found what I was looking for’. Now, I’m not going to go into detail about what I’ve been looking for, but there was a deep sense of contentment that went much further than just a relaxing therapeutic session. Impossible to explain.

After a while, I realized I had fallen asleep when I woke myself with a small snore. It took a few minutes to get over the embarrassment, but then again, sleeping was greenlighted earlier.

Next, came a deeper sense of the appreciation of life and I found myself getting excited about all the things I wanted to do, achieve and be. Interestingly enough, I felt no need to get up and go and conquer the world. There was a simple assurance that all would happen at the right time and there is plenty of time to do it. I’m not used to this feeling as usually when I have an idea, I quickly finish what I’m doing so I can action that idea. I can’t get there quick enough.

As we moved on, I track of time, and I think dozing off had something to do with this, but it was only a few minutes before Beatrice ended the session that I started feeling that it should end soon. Not negatively in any way, just a sense of we’ve done what we came to do.

That all took an hour and I was gently informed that the session was over. I got up and we sat down again for a small talk about things. I was far too dazed to contribute much at which point Beatrice said, just to go home and drink lots of water. Again, the session is a therapy of release and this is in the form of vapor from your breath and your skin.

However, I had to go straight to a client meeting feeling like I was floating inside a fuzzy cloud, trying my hardest to sound like a professional and not like a hippie.

After the session

Beatrice had said that she looks forward to what happens over the next few days. There were no fireworks of massive epiphanies, but 2 things did happen.

After that meeting, I had to go through and scrutinize a 99-page document. Bear in mind it’s 9 pm now. I thought just to start and see how I got on. My concentration and focus surprised me as distractions were now a level below me. Getting distracted is one of my weaker points and so it was actually a relief to be above it.

I informed Beatrice of this. She told me that, as life goes on, the new strength in concentration and focus you have found will probably diminish. But the ‘letting go’ of metal chains, deep in your subconscious is done forever.

I’m not aware of any deep chains that have been broken for me, but as Beatrice said, this therapy is different for everybody.

In Closing

Up until the end of this writing, I have still not researched Access Bars Therapy as I wanted my account to be as neutral and unbiased as possible. In short, I found it very helpful but also think that a few more sessions might have a longer-lasting and more revealing result.

If you want to see for yourself, give Beatrice a call, text or email, book your session and see what it means for you.

Phone / Whatsapp +20 106 643 9723

Email: [email protected]


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